Shocking details of the murder of 8 infants by a British nurse

Shocking details of the murder of 8 infants by a British nurse

 A nurse has been arrested at Chester Hospital in western England and charged with eight murders and ten attempted murders of infants, according to what local police announced in a statement.

"The Public Prosecutor´s Office has authorized Cheshire Police to charge a female health worker with murder charges in the context of an ongoing investigation into the death of a number of infants" in the newborn department of Chester Hospital.

Lucy Letby, a 30-year-old nurse, was charged with eight murders and ten attempted murders "during the period from June 2015 to June 2016," according to local police.

The police had arrested the nurse in 2018 and 2019, and the nurse was "arrested again on November 10, with charges being brought against her," provided that she will appear on Thursday before the court.