Seven killed and 26 injured in a suicide bombing in Sinai

Seven killed and 26 injured in a suicide bombing in Sinai

 Seven people, including four policemen and a six-year-old boy, were killed in a suicide bombing Tuesday in northern Sinai in Egypt, where army and police forces are facing jihadi groups, most notably the Egyptian branch of the Islamic state, a ministry statement said.

Two police officers, two policemen and three civilians, including a 6-year-old boy, were killed in the blast, while 26 people were injured, the statement said.

A 15-year-old boy blew himself up near a security force while conducting a sweep in the market area of ​​Sheikh Zuwaid police station, east of Arish, capital of North Sinai province, the ministry said.

Since the overthrow of President Mohamed Morsi in July 2013, violent clashes have been taking place between security forces and extremist Islamic groups, particularly in northern and central Sinai, which have killed hundreds of people on both sides.

On February 9, 2018, the Egyptian army, in cooperation with the police, launched an all-out military operation in the Sinai, where the Egyptian branch of the Islamic State Organization (Sinai) is responsible for launching a large number of bloody attacks against security forces and civilians.

The operation has so far resulted in the killing of about 600 "takfiris", as called by the Egyptian army, and about 40 military, according to figures announced by the army.