Settlers set up tents on the top of Mount Sobeih, south of Nablus

Settlers set up tents on the top of Mount Sobeih, south of Nablus

Settlers erected tents today, Friday, on the mountain of Sobeih, which belongs to the lands of Beita, south of Nablus.

Ghassan Douglas, an official of the settlement file in the northern West Bank, said that settlers erected six tents at the top of Mount Sobeih in the town of Beita, adding that attempts to seize the mountain continue, as citizens failed them over the past years.

Douglas pointed out that the settlers´ ambitions and their escalation of attacks to seize more citizens ’lands, as happens on top of Mount Ebal and the lands of Asira North, come within the annexation plan that the occupation authorities intend to implement.