Settlers set fire to agricultural land east of Tulkarm

Settlers set fire to agricultural land east of Tulkarm

Settlers set fire to lands and agricultural fields near "Anab" settlement, located on Ramen town, east of Tulkarm, Thursday, Thursday.

Farmers said that they saw a group of "Anab" settlers set fire to their lands by guarding the occupying forces, who did not move, causing the fire to spread and spread the fire to hundreds of trees.

The farmer, Imad Salman, said that dozens of olive and almond trees were fired on his land next to the settlement, which covers an area of ​​50 dunums.

The citizens rushed to the side of the civil defense crews who came to the area to control the fire, but the rough terrain was unable to extinguish it completely, and it is still burning until the moment.

The Director General of the Tulkarm Agriculture Department, Samir Samara, told the official news agency, "WAFA", that the fire caused by the settlers brought hundreds of dunums of agricultural land estimated at more than 400 acres.