Settlers seize a shop in the Old City of Hebron

Settlers seize a shop in the Old City of Hebron

Hebron Rehabilitation Committee revealed again the seizure of Jewish settlers on a shop in the old district of Hesba and closed by military orders. Emad Hamdan, Director General of the Hebron Rehabilitation Committee, said that Jewish settlers had stepped up their attacks on Palestinian homes and commercial shops in the Old City. He said that the occupied shop was owned by the Directorate of Awqaf and leased for decades to one of the citizens. The Old City to military areas that are hidden to Palestinian citizens to access and occupy their shops.

And how to seize the shop mentioned and other shops between Hamdan and that the settlers are intended to inform any objective intended to capture visual obstacles to ensure that they are not detected by the Palestinians, as well as the exploitation of the security situation imposed on large parts of the Old Town for more than seventeen years The settlers have changed their features by taking off their iron door and closing the entire facade. This indicates that the shop has opened a back door to him from the settlement of al-Hesba, adjacent to it from the north.

Hamdan said that in the Hebron Rehabilitation Committee we have always warned and warned of the seriousness of the settlers´ violations of the property of the citizens in the Old City of Hebron, especially in the areas that are subject to total closure by the occupation authorities. We call on all institutions and organizations of the international community to intervene and move. In order to protect those properties and to work to abolish military orders to close those areas and return them to their owners who had been abandoned.