Settlers renew their calls to storm Al-Aqsa during the Jewish holidays

Settlers renew their calls to storm Al-Aqsa during the Jewish holidays

The leaders of the Union of “Temple Mount Organizations” renewed the call for the mass of Jewish extremists to storm the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and turn this winter into a “Jewish winter” in the Al-Aqsa Mosque, in conjunction with the so-called Jewish holiday of lights, the “Hanukah festival,” which extends Between 10-18 of the month of 12, that is, starting from next Thursday and throughout the following week.

The groups called for the alleged Temple to celebrate it by lighting candlesticks and dancing at night in Al-Ghazali Square opposite the Lions Gate. And the lighting of candles in the Column Gate and the drawings sent to the walls in the Gate of Hebron and along the gates and walls of Bab Al-Sahira and Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent Street.

Fearing the settlers´ limited response to their call, these groups recruited all their historical leaders, such as Gershon Salmon, founder of the Temple Mount Trustees, Yehuda Glick, Uri Ariel, and others, to call and contribute to the Al-Aqsa incursions on a daily basis to encourage its extremist audience to accompany them.