Settlers flood large areas of agricultural land with wastewater

Settlers flood large areas of agricultural land with wastewater

 Settlers flooded with their wastewater large swaths of citizens´ lands in Husan village, west of Bethlehem.

Activists from the village said that the settlers of the Beitar Illit settlement, which is built on the lands of citizens from several villages west of Bethlehem, opened their wastewater on these lands planted with hundreds of grape and olive trees, and that resulted in serious damage to these lands.

These activists pointed out that such attacks are continuous attacks, and settlers often open their wastewater on citizens´ lands in all directions, one time on the lands of Husan, one on the lands of Al Jab´a, and another on the lands of Nahalin and Wadi Fukin, as they change directions from time to time in order to harm the largest lands. And the largest area and that these practices pose great harm to the lands and the health of citizens as well.