Settlers cut hundreds of vine and olive trees south of Bethlehem

Settlers cut hundreds of vine and olive trees south of Bethlehem

Settlers cut hundreds of vine trees today, Friday, in the lands of Al-Khader, south of Bethlehem.

The Wafa news agency reported that the youth activist Imad Da`dou said that settlers cut down 300 vine trees in the lands of Nasser Ismail Marzouq, in the "Zakandeh" area between the settlements of "Daniel" and "Eliezer".

It is noteworthy that the settlers of "Eliezer", yesterday, Thursday, cut down 200 perennial olive trees and 80 vine trees in the lands of Marwan Abdel Salam Salah and Anas Fathi Abdel Salam Salah, located near the settlement "Eliezer."