Settlers attack citizens´ homes and beat farmers and herders in Masafer Yatta

Settlers attack citizens´ homes and beat farmers and herders in Masafer Yatta

 today, Saturday, a group of settlers attacked with live bullets and attacked the people, farmers and herders of cattle in the Yatta traveler, south of Hebron.

The Coordinator of the Protection and Resilience Committees in Masafer Yatta and the mountains south of Hebron, Fuad al-Amor, said that settlers attacked, under the protection of the occupation soldiers, the homes of citizens and fired live bullets at the people in the village of Tawana and attacked them, farmers and cattle herders, and beat a foreign solidarity in Khirbet al-Tuba and Ghayir al-Ubaid while grazing their livestock. And they harvested their crops.

The residents of Masafer Yatta demanded that they provide protection and curb settler attacks.