Settlers attack a gas station in Hebron

Settlers attack a gas station in Hebron

The settlers of the settlement outposts in the heart of the Old City of Hebron carried out a new attack. They took control of the offices of the Jabari petrol station in the Al-Ja´abari station on Shuhada Street.

The settlers carried out out renovations at the fuel station, painted their doors and facades, paved the square in front of these offices with stone tiles and set up wooden benches and tables. They also installed a wall of long cane branches to block their infringements.

Director General of Hebron Rehabilitation Committee  Emad Hamdan pointed out that this attack was not the first on the Jabari and its yards and facilities. In the summer of 2016, settlers attacked it with stone tiles and installed seats and planted trees and flowers. However, the legal unit in the Hebron Rehabilitation Committee filed a case against the infringement Supreme Court, which issued a decision under which the infringement was removed in 2017.

The Director General of the Hebron Rehabilitation Committee considers the grave danger of the encroachment on the property of the Palestinian citizens, which is under the watchful eye of the so-called Civil Administration and its army, who are fully responsible for the safety of these properties under their control with a number of military orders for more than seventeen years, The same legal and legal institutions, humanitarian organizations and the international community assume their responsibility for what is happening in the Old City of encroachments aimed at controlling houses and closed shops.

Hamdan also stated that the casinos had been closed by the Israeli occupation forces for several years before the closure of Al Shuhada Street. After a petition by the owners of the Hebron Rehabilitation Committee against the closure, the occupation authorities allowed them to reopen. Stressing that "it is ridiculous to cry that a fuel tank is opened in an area that cars can not reach."