Settlers and occupation forces shoot in the vicinity of al-Tahadi 5 School, east of Bethlehem

Settlers and occupation forces shoot in the vicinity of al-Tahadi 5 School, east of Bethlehem

Bethlehem _ Palestine News Network

Settlers and Israeli occupation forces on Thursday fired bullets in the vicinity of the main challenge School 5 in the village of Beit Ta´mar, east of Bethlehem.

The Director of education and Higher education in Bethlehem Sami Marwa told the official news agency: A delegation from the Ministry of Education and Higher education and the representative of UNESCO in Palestine were visiting the school of the challenge to see the general conditions of harassment and suffering caused by the occupation, where they surprised firing bullets in The surroundings of the school, which created a state of horror and panic among the students.

Marwa added that the matter did not stop at that end, but that soldiers and settlers were present at the gate of the Khanwomen School for girls in the town of Tekoa East, just because of the presence of the Ministry delegation and the representative of UNESCO, stressing that attacks are always frequent on schools on the lines of contact.