Samsung is living the second nightmare in the new Galaxy

Samsung is living the second nightmare in the new Galaxy

Samsung Electronics has confirmed the postponement of its new Galaxy Fold phone in Hong Kong and Shanghai after receiving numerous complaints on the phone screen to be re-talking about the Galaxy Note 7 battery crisis.

The new phone had recorded damage including fractures, bulges and blemishes in the screens after the use of samples given to a group of technicians for one day only.

The new phone features the world´s first folding display screen, which can be folded into a compact device with a display.

The display in the new device is 4.6 inches when folded, and up to 7.3 inches when stretched out.

About three years after the Notte 7 scandal, the company decided to pull the famous phone out of the market because of battery flaws that could lead to the explosion of devices, which cost a lot.

Samsung said the company was carefully investigating the reports as it had already announced, as the company plans to start sales of South Korea and Europe in May, while it did not disclose the time limit for China´s sales start date, according to Sky News.