Russian question on the new US peace plan for the Middle East

Russian question on the new US peace plan for the Middle East

Moscow _ Agencies

Russia´s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Vasily Nybenzia, said his country did not see the new US plan on peace between the Palestinians and Israelis, but doubted its applicability.

Nybenzia´s statement was a comment on what the United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, said yesterday, that the US administration´s Middle East peace plan is ready and  "different from all its predecessors and contains thoughtful details."

"We hear about it (the new plan) two years ago, they promise each period," "Tas" quoted Nebenzia as saying. But we haven´t seen it yet, and no one knows when we´ll see it. "

"The implementation of any plan cannot succeed without taking into account the internationally recognized basis for settling the conflict in the Middle East, and it is important to rely on a two-state solution," he said.

Delegates of eight EU member States issued a statement warning Washington that the initiative might fail, saying that any peace plan must meet Israeli and Palestinian security needs and Palestinian aspirations to establish a sovereign state and end the occupation in the region.

The statement was issued by Belgium, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and Sweden.

"Unlike previous attempts to address this conflict, this plan is not just a few pages with unspecified and unimaginable instructions," she said, without mentioning any specific details.