Russian Foreign Ministry: U.S. military presence in Syria hinders fight against terrorism

Russian Foreign Ministry: U.S. military presence in Syria hinders fight against terrorism

Moscow _ Agencies

The Russian foreign Ministry said the US military presence in Syria is not only helping, but also hindering the fight against terrorism in the country.

"According to the Russian assessment, [the American presence] does not meet the interests of the final elimination of international terrorists in Syrian territory, but has also become a real obstacle to the resolution of this task," said Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakarova in a briefing.

The Special Envoy of the Russian president to Syria, head of the Russian delegation to the Astana negotiations, Alexander Lafrentiev, declared that the indefinite presence of the United States in Syria was incomprehensible to the guarantor Powers in the Astana process (Russia, Iran, Turkey), but the lack of a limit on their existence was a cause for concern.

In September September, US President Donald Trump announced that the United States would soon take a decision on the presence of its troops in Syria, after the "ISIS" terrorist organization was eradicated.