Richard Grant is a Star Wars freak

Richard Grant is a Star Wars freak

 British actor Richard Grant said he fulfilled his youth´s dream by participating in the movie "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker".

"I feel excited ... The first movie I saw for Star Wars was in 1977 when I was 20 and I was an acting student," Grant 62 / year-old told Deutsche Presse-Agentur in London.

Grant mentioned that since then he has become "obsessed" with the Star Wars, and said: "I have all the games, avatars and characters that appear in Star Wars. I have a box full of all these things, because I am in love with them."

In "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker," Grant plays the evil General Pride. The secrecy and security measures surrounding the filming of the film were a new matter for the Oscar-nominated actor best supporting actor for his role in the movie "Can You Forgive Me One Day?" In 2018, Grant stated that he was not even allowed to take the screenplay of the movie with him to the house, and he said: “I used to get my papers for my role in the morning when I went to the filming site. Today I am recording my departure. No one is allowed to take anything with him, that is, I have to practice everything quickly.

Grant expressed his understanding of these procedures, explaining that this ultimately is in the interest of the photography business, and he said: "There are drones belonging to newspapers that were flying over us, and people tried to get any information about the movie. Some newspapers tried to bribe the workers in the makeup and clothing department to obtain Information or photos. "