Residents, as they confronted dozens of settlers, tried to storm their village

Residents, as they confronted dozens of settlers, tried to storm their village

 A number of citizens were injured in Madama village, southwest of Nablus, on Saturday evening, as they suffocated by tear gas, as they confronted dozens of settlers who tried to storm the southern area of ​​the village.

Local sources said that dozens of settlers from the settlement "Itzhar" located on the land of Madama and a number of neighboring villages, tried to storm the "Qadatat" area located on the southern side of the village by protecting a force from the occupation army that was accompanying them.

These sources added that dozens of villagers went to the area and clashed with the settlers and Israeli soldiers who fired tear gas canisters at them. The residents were able to repel the settlers and force them to withdraw, while one of the citizens was arrested, and one of the soldiers was hit by a stone.