Republicans are demanding that Hunter Biden appear before investigative committees to isolate Trump

Republicans are demanding that Hunter Biden appear before investigative committees to isolate Trump

 The Republican Party on Saturday demanded an investigation into the removal of US President Donald Trump by summoning Hunter Biden, son of the Democratic front-runner to face him in the next presidential election, to appear before witnesses as a witness.

Trump has repeatedly accused Hunter Biden and his father Joe of corruption on the back of the son of the Democratic candidate in the board of directors of the Ukrainian oil company "Borisma" when he was the last vice president.

Devin Nunes, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee that is investigating, revealed that Borisma had paid Hunter Biden $ 50,000 a month for membership on its board.

Knowing "the actual tasks that Hunter Biden carried out in Borissma would help the American people understand the nature and extent of corruption in Ukraine," Nunes wrote.

Trump has denied any wrongdoing by pressing his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelinsky to open a graft investigation against Joe Biden and his son Hunter.

Nunes criticized what he described as a "sham process aimed at isolating" the president, saying Hunter Biden´s testimony would enhance transparency in an "opaque and unfair process."

Nunes also demanded that the informant, who was informed of the July telephone conversation between Trump and Zelensky, appear before the investigation as a witness.

The approval of Republican witnesses´ requests requires the approval of the Democrats, who form a majority in the House of Representatives.

In the history of the United States, only two presidents have been sacked, so if Democrats manage to achieve their goal, Trump will become the third US president to be sacked.

Trump has described his telephone conversation with Zelensky as "exemplary," although the White House report appears to support the charges against him.

In their testimony to the commissions of inquiry, more than a dozen witnesses have so far confirmed the accusations made by Democrats, including withholding US military assistance from Ukraine and linking it to the opening of an Kiev investigation into Joe Biden and his son Hunter.

All the hearings of the commissions of inquiry were closed, but next week they will be held in public.