Repressive forces storm Section 12 of Ofer Prison

Repressive forces storm Section 12 of Ofer Prison

The repressive forces of the Israeli  occupation prisons  , on Monday, stormed section 12 of the Ofer prison.

 The spokesman for the Prisoners and Ex-  Prisoners  Affairs Authority, Hassan Abd Rabbo, said, "The repressive forces stormed Section 12 and started extensive searches, and tampered with the prisoners´ personal belongings."

It is noteworthy that the number of prisoners in Ofer detention camp is about 900.

The repression units of the   occupation prisons administration   include soldiers with strong bodies and experience who served in various military units in the occupation army, and their members received special training to suppress and abuse prisoners, using various weapons, including knives, batons, tear gas, and electrical devices that lead to burns. In the body, weapons that fire incendiary bullets, the internationally prohibited “dumdum” bullets, and strange bullets that cause severe pain.