Religious groups in Israel protest a conference on sexual relations

Religious groups in Israel protest a conference on sexual relations

Jewish religious groups demonstrated in Israel in protest at a Bar-Ilan University conference on the treatment of multiple sexual relations.

The university, which is close to Tel Aviv, has invited two sex and relations therapists to its Tuesday conference to discuss sexual relations.

The opponents of the conference fear that it has turned into an encouragement for infidelity and called for protests to be held near the university.

According to media reports, the conference was preceded by protests and a video of demonstrators carrying signs reading "adultery at Bar-Ilan University" appeared on Facebook. The page reads: "The conference raises a phenomenon of betrayal of accepted and institutionalized marriages" "Stop infidelity in Bar Ilan."

She urged a webpage entitled "Stop Bar-Ilan" to cancel the conference.

According to the university, the conference deals with topics that can emerge in the field of working with patients with multiple open relationships with several people, and what is important in this form of relationship is that all concerned know each other and accept the actions of others.