Refused to demolish his house in his hand, forcing the occupation of his brother to implement

Refused to demolish his house in his hand, forcing the occupation of his brother to implement

The Israeli occupation authorities continue to target the Bir Aouna area in the town of Beit Jala, which the municipality regards as part of Jerusalem but is part of the city of Beit Jala and Israel is seeking to annex it.

Al-Haj Waleed Zerina said that the authorities and the courts of the occupation handed him a notice to the court that he would demolish the house of his brother Ayman Rizq Zerina, his sons Rizq, Muhammad and Saleh Zerina, which consists of two floors and four apartments before April 10, or else they would demolish him and force him to pay the costs of 230,000 shekels To release his nephew Ayman who refused to sign the demolition order.

Zerina added that the court of the Interior Ministry arrested Ayman after he refused to sign a decision to demolish his house. The family was forced to pay 230,000 shekels in bail for his release and carried out the demolition before the scheduled date.

The family had commissioned an Israeli lawyer about a year ago after the Israeli authorities threatened to demolish the house. Bethlehem and Jerusalem were reported to have been paid, but the court decided to demolish the house.

Zerina added that the Israeli authorities threatened to demolish the rest of the houses owned by his brothers Khaled and Raed, stressing that there was a clear targeting of the Zerina family in the area of ​​Bir Aouna, where he had demolished houses belonging to him and other housing a year ago. For his cousins ​​Mohammed Zerina and Musa Zerina about two weeks ago.

The family lives in the area after they were displaced from their original village in 1948 and their fathers and grandparents worked until they could buy the land they had built, but the occupation authorities are trying to displace them from the area, he added.

The Rizq Zerina family called on President Mahmoud Abbas, Prime Minister Rami al-Hamdallah, Bethlehem Governor Kamel Hamid, Jerusalem Governor Adnan al-Husseini, Minister of Wall and Settlement Resistance Walid Assaf, the Popular Resistance Committees and all local and international human rights organizations to stop the ongoing Israeli crime. The massacre and displacement of the family if the implementation of this resolution, wondering why the targeting of the family in the region.