"UNICEF": the death of a mother and 6 births in Yemen every two hours

"UNICEF": the death of a mother and 6 births in Yemen every two hours

The United Nations Children´s Fund (UNICEF) announced Monday the death of one mother and six children in Yemen every two hours as a result of complications of pregnancy and childbirth.

More than four years of armed conflict in Yemen have led to the deterioration of the status of women and children at birth in a country that was already the poorest country in the Middle East and one of the poorest countries in the Middle East, UNICEF reported in a report obtained by Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa. The world´s poorest countries even before the war escalates in early 2015.

Mothers and infants are among the most vulnerable in Yemen: "Every two hours a mother and six babies die of complications during pregnancy or childbirth," the report said.

Basic public services, including basic health care for mental and child support, are on the verge of total collapse, pointing out that only 51 percent of all health facilities are fully operational, while these facilities suffer from a severe shortage of medicines Equipment and staff.

The report said that the brutal conflict in Yemen continues to impoverish children of their right to life, and of their survivors, to obtain the best possible health care.

"According to the accounts of women interviewed in a continuing qualitative study on health services in the governors of Sana´a, Taiz and Aden, household births are also rising," the report said.