"Prisoners´ Commission" documents arrest certificates of young men who were severely beaten during their arrest

"Prisoners´ Commission" documents arrest certificates of young men who were severely beaten during their arrest

The Commission for Detainees and Ex-Prisoners Affairs has documented, through its lawyer, Heba Masalha, the arrest certificates of two young men who were beaten and abused by the Israeli occupation forces during their arrest.

The commission said in a statement today, Sunday, that the young man, Muhammad Samer Abu Al-Hawa, 16, from the town of Al-Tur, east of Jerusalem, was arrested by a large force of intelligence and police after raiding his house at five in the morning, and they searched his house and turned its contents upside down to take him to Al-Maskobiya Prison, where he stayed for 19 days, and on May 26, 2022 he was up to 15 months in actual imprisonment, and was transferred to Damon Prison “Ashbab Division” where he is still staying.

She also clarified the case of the prisoner Qassam Iyad Awar (17 years), from the town of Al-Isawiya, who was arrested by an army and intelligence force after raiding his house at four o´clock. His eyes were tied and his hands were tied behind with plastic straps and tightly tied, then they took him to the police car and beat him, and then he was taken to the Al-Maskobiyya, and interrogated with him until the afternoon hours, after which he was transferred to the court and his detention was extended. .

The Prisoners and Ex-Prisoners Affairs Commission condemned the repeated barbaric and criminal attacks against the young men during their arrests and taking them by the Israeli occupation army

She added that this method "completely contradicts all international covenants and treaties that guarantee human rights."