"Journalists Against Siege" Demonstration in Gaza

"Journalists Against Siege" Demonstration in Gaza

The National Authority for Return Marches and Breaking the Siege organized a media demonstration on Wednesday under the title "Journalists Against Siege" in front of Beit Hanoun "Erez" checkpoint in the northern Gaza Strip.

The march started from the Saraya area in central Gaza via buses towards Beit Hanoun "Erez" checkpoint, where it uploaded pictures of martyrs of journalists, especially Yasser Murtaja and Ahmed Abu Hussein, along with banners calling for stopping targeting journalists.

The head of the Government Information Office in Gaza, Salama Maarouf, said that the journalists were subjected to pressure by the occupation to prevent them from covering crimes against the Palestinian people.

He was known in a speech during the demonstration, that the Israeli blockade imposed on the Strip since 13 years paralyzed all aspects of life in the Gaza Strip and impact on journalists.

He accused the occupation of violating international conventions against journalists and the Palestinians fully, calling on the international community to prosecute the occupation for the crimes committed.