"Foreign " demanding an international investigation into the excavations of the "bottom of the" "Max " and Silwan

"Foreign " demanding an international investigation into the excavations of the "bottom of the" "Max " and Silwan

JERUSALEM _ Palestine News Network

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and expatriates condemned in the strongest terms the excavations carried out by the occupation authorities and settlement associations around the clock beneath the Holy Haram Al-Sharif, the surrounding area and the town of Silwan, leading to large collapses and large cracks in large numbers of citizens ´ homes. Palestinians and dug in the vicinity of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

In a statement on Saturday evening, the ministry warned the international community of the dangers and repercussions of these archaeological excavations and tunnels, especially on Palestinian homes, which are usually inhabited by large numbers of Palestinian citizens, who are being denied physical expansion by the occupation authorities. And renovations to their homes.

"Not only this, but the occupation authorities and settlement associations are deliberately digging tunnels under the homes of citizens until there are serious cracks in their foundations and walls, so that the occupation municipality will soon evacuate those homes and displace Palestinian citizens from their homes on the pretext that they are no longer valid," the statement added. For housing, in a systematic and widespread ethnic cleansing in the attempt to mislead world public opinion and international officials about the causes of these fissures. "

The Ministry called on the international community, human rights and humanitarian organizations, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and others to establish an international commission of inquiry to uncover settlement spending plans, expose their repercussions on the homes of Palestinian citizens, and work to stop those excavations immediately.