"CNN" separates an analyst called to boycott Israel

"CNN" separates an analyst called to boycott Israel

Washington _ Agencies

The U.S. television network "CNN" has separated an analyst working for her, after calling for a boycott of Israel during a speech to the United Nations.

The network said that analyst Marc Lamont Hill no longer worked for her, without giving a reason, according to The Washington Post.

Hill, a professor at Temple University, called for the boycott of Israel and the "Free Palestine from the river to the Sea " In his speech on Wednesday.

"I support the freedom of Palestine and support the right to self-determination of the Palestinians, and strongly criticized Israel´s policy and practices," he said.

Professor Mark Hill´s comments came at a meeting at the United Nations on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people.

Hill commented on the issue in a tweet on Twitter saying that "my signal/from the river to the sea/was not an invitation to destroy anything or anyone ".

"It´s an invitation for justice, in both Israel and the West Bank/Gaza," he said, stressing that "the rhetoric is very clear and specifically said those things."

"I support the freedom of the Palestinians," he said. I support the Palestinians ´ right to self-determination. I am very critical of Israeli politics and practices (...) I do not support any anti-Semitism, killing of the Jewish people or anything else attributed to my word. "

"I spent all my life fighting this thing."