Putin´s cat teaches Japanese language

Putin´s cat teaches Japanese language

Moscow _ Agencies

Russian President Vladimir Putin, the governor of Japan´s "Asiana " state, Norkhisa Sataka, has dedicated a small cat Siberia named "mir " (Peace).

The governor said in a speech to the agency  "Novosti " Russian that  "Mir " established excellent relations with 6 other cats living in his home.

The governor´s family launched the name "Miro-bo ", which means slim (small peace) in Japanese. The cat responds to this Japanese name.

The governor added that the cat usually wakes up from sleep at six o´clock in the morning and asks for food. Then he approaches his landlady and puts a man on his shoulder and starts to meow.

The governor referred to a dog named "Akita-Inoue ", which was Putin by the Japanese side and said that his fame was announced after Putin gave it to the Olympic champion in skating, Alenwhat Zagitova, adding:  "I am delighted that the dog walks around all of Russia. I am also delighted that his name has become famous in the whole world. "

The Japanese governor at the Forum of Heads of Parliaments of the Northeast Asian countries said that his relationship with a very close cat, and noted that many people noticed that his face is gaining Japanese features.