Protests continue in Iraq and the House of Representatives is preparing to discuss the draft election law

Protests continue in Iraq and the House of Representatives is preparing to discuss the draft election law

Protests in Baghdad and nine southern Iraqi provinces entered their second consecutive month on Monday amid security unrest and dozens of casualties.

Witnesses told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa that the provinces of Basra, Nasiriyah and Karbala "witnessed a new bloody night after security forces used live bullets and tear gas to repel the demonstrators who were overwhelmed by the streets."

Witnesses explained that the demonstrators "set fire to dozens of tires to reduce the movement of military wheels and to prevent the regularity of staff in working hours."

Witnesses pointed out that "the demonstrators deployed in the streets since the early morning hours and took control of a number of bridges and main streets in the provinces of Basra, Nasiriyah and Karbala, amid continuing chases with security forces trying to disperse them."

The Iraqi parliament will hold a regular session this afternoon to be devoted to discussing the draft electoral law in Iraq and the law to form a new election commission that is far from representing the main parties in its administration. This is one of the most important demands of the demonstrators, in order to reform the political system.