Prisoners´ Committee warns of worsening health situation of prisoners striking in the isolation of "Ramla"

Prisoners´ Committee warns of worsening health situation of prisoners striking in the isolation of "Ramla"

The Prisoners´ Affairs Committee warned in a report that the health situation of prisoners on hunger strike, especially those isolated in Nitzan al-Ramleh, is still deteriorating. They are Mohammed Abu Aker, Mustafa al-Hassanat and Hatifa Halabiya.

The three prisoners continue their open hunger strike against their administrative detention for 35 days, respectively. They suffer from acute pain on all limbs, permanent leaves, unable to sleep, severe stomach pains, headaches, and can not walk long distances. Wheel chair.

8 prisoners have continued their open hunger strike against administrative detention. They have been prisoner Ahmed Ghannam since 22 days, Sultan Khallouf 18 days, Isma´il Ali 12 days ago and Oujdi Al Awawdeh seven days ago. And the prisoner Jaafar Izz al-Din and the hunger strike 4 days ago.

She said that the prisoner Tareq Qa´adan, 46, from Jenin, is a former prisoner who spent a total of 11 years in administrative detention. He was last arrested on 23 February 2019. He was sentenced to imprisonment The Israeli authorities issued an administrative detention order against him two days before his release. He is married and has six children.