Prisoner Shorouk Dwayat enters her fifth year in Israeli jails

Prisoner Shorouk Dwayat enters her fifth year in Israeli jails

 Jerusalem prisoner Shorouk Dwayat (22 years), on Monday, entered its fifth year in the prisons of the occupation.

The head of the Committee of the Families of the Prisoners of Jerusalem Amjad Abu Assab through his Facebook account, "Shorouk Dwayat from the village of Sur Baher in occupied Jerusalem today entered its fifth consecutive year in the detention centers of the occupation."

He added that Shurooq was arrested on 7/10/2015, after being shot by a settler in Al-Wad Street near Al-Aqsa Mosque, who claimed that Shurooq stabbed him.

Shurooq was sentenced to 16 years in prison, in addition to imposing a high fine. Shurooq was transferred to several prisons and is currently in Damoun prison, according to Abu Assab.

She is a student of Al-Quds University.