President of El Salvador. Palestinian origin

President of El Salvador. Palestinian origin

Najib Abu Kaileh, an original Palestinian businessman, alias Nayib, won the presidential election in El Salvador from the first round.

"Now we can confidently announce that we have won the presidency in the first round," said Baywakeel, 37, a cliff from Bethlehem, addressing his supporters. Thank you to all who voted.

In the capital city of San Salvador, August Palestinian who died two years ago and a Salvadoran mother, he received about 54 percent of the vote after 45 percent counted the first position in the country.

El Salvador, located between Guatemala and Honduras in Central America, has a population of 6 million and 500,000, including more than 150,000 Arab expatriates and descendants, about half of whom are Palestinians, and the rest are Lebanese and Syrians.

With the top wealthy in El Salvador, he visited Israel last year and met with Jerusalem´s mayor, Nir Barakat, as well as the mayor of Tel Aviv, and participated in Jewish rituals at the al-Buraq wall.

It is well known that many Palestinians, particularly from Bethlehem and Beit Sahur, migrated after World War I, after the Nakba and the occupation of Palestine to Latin American countries, and their numbers are now in the thousands, such as Chile and El Salvador.