President Abbas calls for accelerated rehabilitation of Yarmouk camp

President Abbas calls for accelerated rehabilitation of Yarmouk camp

RAMALLAH _ Palestine News Network

During a meeting with several members of the committee overseeing the reconstruction of the Yarmouk camp in Syria, President Mahmoud Abbas said Tuesday that the rehabilitation of the camp should continue.

President Abbas called for the speedy completion of rubble removal and the opening of streets in Yarmouk camp "in cooperation with Syrian brothers ", and work to facilitate the return of all displaced persons from the camp to their homes.

Members of the committee told President Abbas to complete the removal of some 70 per cent of the rubble and the opening of streets in Yarmouk, allowing the return of 280 camp residents who had to leave.

Members noted that there was a full readiness for volunteering by the Palestinians in Syria, especially the Palestinian engineers and contractors sectors, praising the official Palestinian contribution.

They stressed that the Palestinians in Syria expressed satisfaction with the cooperation in this area with Syrian government institutions, especially the visit of the PLO delegation to Syria several months ago.

The Yarmouk camp housed the largest number of Palestinian refugees in Syria, with nearly 160,000 refugees living before the war began in 2011 before most of them migrated because of the scourge of violence.