Pope Francis expresses his "solidarity" with the people of Burma

Pope Francis expresses his "solidarity" with the people of Burma

Pope Francis expressed his "solidarity with the Burmese people" on Sunday in the wake of the military coup in Burma, and urged the army to work for "democratic coexistence."

The Supreme Pontiff, who visited Burma in 2017, confirmed that he was following "with great concern" the coup by the Burmese military, who on Monday overthrew Aung San Suu Kyi´s government.

"At this delicate stage, I wish to reaffirm my spiritual closeness, my prayers and solidarity with the people of Burma," he said after reciting the evangelism in the Vatican.

Speaking from the window of the Apostolic Palace overlooking St. Peter´s Square, the Pope added, "I pray that the responsible people in the country will place themselves in a sincere readiness to serve the common good and promote social justice and national stability for a harmonious democratic coexistence."