Pompeo accuses Bolton of treason

Pompeo accuses Bolton of treason

In a statement titled "I was in the room too," US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, John Bolton´s former national security adviser, was accused of "treason" because he published "wrong" information in his book to be published soon.

Pompeo said in the statement, which Jerusalem received a copy of, that, according to the extracts published from the book, "John Bolton published a number of lies, half-truths and outright lies."

He said it was "sad and dangerous" that "Bolton´s last public role was the role of the traitor who destroyed America by violating his sacred trust with its people."

In a message to "Friends around the World," he said that the Trump-era United States is "a force for good in the world."

Bolton´s book, considered a "neo-conservative" leader and an advocate of American aggressive wars across the world, who resigned from his post as national security adviser last September, is to be published on Tuesday, June 23, 2020, despite attempts by the White House to block its publication.

US President Trump has threatened that Bolton would face "criminal responsibility" if his book "From the Event Hall: Notes from the White House" that (Trump) confirmed contained "secret information" was released.

"Bolton´s book is a collection of false lies and narratives, all with a view to showing me badly," Trump wrote in a tweet.

In turn, Simon End Schuster said in describing the book: "What Bolton saw surprised her: Trump´s president is re-elected as the only thing that matters to him, even if that means putting the country at risk or weakening it."

Book excerpts indicate that Trump "asked Chinese President Xi Jinping to help him in his re-election."