Palestinian rally condemning the Occupation´s decision to demolish and displace "red Khan "

Palestinian rally condemning the Occupation´s decision to demolish and displace  "red Khan "

RAMALLAH _ Palestine News Network

The "red khan" rally east of occupied jerusalem, following Friday prayers, marched towards the public street between the cities of Jerusalem and Jericho (east), denouncing the Occupation´s decision to demolish the assembly and displace its inhabitants.

During the march, scores of Palestinians denounced the Israeli supreme Court´s decision to demolish the "red khan" gathering, and raised Palestinian flags, chanting slogans denouncing Israeli practices, amid an intense presence of the occupying Police.

"we are continuing our struggle and our sit-in in Al-khan al-ahmar, 108 days ago and we were able to delay the demolition of the village this period," said Walid assaf, head of the wall resistance and settlement Authority.

"we will fight to prevent demolition and deportation and continue our sit-in if it goes on for months and years to ensure the survival of Al-khan Al-ahmar and all Palestinian communities in the area (c)," he said.

On 5 September, The Israeli Supreme Court decided to demolish and evacuate the "red khan" gathering, which is inhabited by some 80 Palestinian families of the "jahalin" Tribe.

The occupying government demanded that the residents of the rally evacuate their homes in the "red khan" voluntarily, in exchange for the provision of a "substitute" of a plot of land on an area of 255 dunums near the city of Jericho to live IN.

It should be noted that the talk revolves around uninhabited land and lacks public services, as it is not connected to the road network or infrastructure, whether water, electricity or sewage treatment Network.

The demolition of the "red khan" rally comes as part of an Israeli plan to set up an arch of settlements that will effectively separate East Jerusalem from the West bank, the territories occupied by "israel" in the 1967 war.

The "red khan" is surrounded by the settlements  "ma´ale Adumim " and  "kfar Adumim ", which the Israeli authorities seek to expand on the land of the Bedouin community, in preparation for its larger settlement project known as "e1", which aims to isolate the city of Jerusalem from the West Bank and separate the south of the West Bank from its north .