Palestinian "Abu Kila" takes office as President of El Salvador

Palestinian "Abu Kila" takes office as President of El Salvador

El Salvador´s new president, Najib Abu Kaileh, took up his duties Saturday, carrying with him the ambition of transforming this small country in Central America, where poverty and violence push people into large-scale migration to the United States.

The 37-year-old Abu Kaileh, who had presided over the municipality of San Salvador, took office during a special session of Parliament amid the participation of representatives from 83 countries.

"Our country as a sick child, we all care for him," he said in his inaugural address to the audience.
Abou Kaileh is the sixth president of the country since the end of the Civil War in 1992, which has given El Salvador over 12 years, and proud himself the task of putting an end to the violence of criminal gangs and misery.

Rampant violence and misery every year drive thousands of Salvadorans to flee their country. In October and November 2018, more than 3,000 Salvadorans took the path of emigration to the United States.

Official estimates indicate that, on average, 200 Salvadorans migrate every day to the United States illegally.

Of the 6, 6 million Salvadoran citizens living below the poverty line, 30, 3 per cent live.

Abu Kaileh, who father had already held the chairmanship of the Arab Islamic League in Salvador, promised to establish a rapprochement with US President Donald Trump, who in turn congratulated him on his Twitter, and stressed that the United States was "ready" to move forward in contributing to the "prosperity" of El Salvador.

According to the English-language Encyclopedia of "Wikipedia", Najib Abu Kaileh is of Palestinian origin, with more than 100,000 people, who ancestors came from Palestine, currently living in Salfadoro.