Palestinian efforts to prevent the European Parliament from voting on the decision to stop funding UNRWA

Palestinian efforts to prevent the European Parliament from voting on the decision to stop funding UNRWA

Palestinian Deputy Prime Minister Adel Attiya on Tuesday announced Palestinian moves to prevent a vote by the European Parliament on a decision to halt funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). , For next year amounting to 130 million.

The European Parliament will meet later today at the headquarters of the Budget Committee to vote on a proposal from the Christian Democratic Party to cut funding for the agency, Attiyah told Radio Voice of Palestine.

Attia said that the adoption of the proposed resolution will lead to cut off all EU assistance to the IAEA, which will cause great problems, hoping not to reach the stage of voting.

He pointed out that the Palestinian side, with Arab assistance, is making efforts not to adopt the proposed resolution, considering that what is being a serious indicator against the Palestinian people and their cause, especially as this is the first meeting of the European Parliament.

Attiyah accused "Israel of putting great pressure on the European Union to extract a decision to stop funding to UNRWA, as happened with the United States of America as there is a mismanagement of funds that go to the Agency and must open an investigation into how to manage."

"There were irregularities inside UNRWA that should not be punished as an international institution or Palestinian refugees," he said, adding that the campaign against the IAEA is part of the Israeli campaign to discredit it by dismantling the refugee issue.

Attia pointed out that the new European Union configuration, especially the European Parliament, which emerged from the recent elections is controlled by the far right, pointing out that Palestinian diplomacy has become difficult to contain the Israeli lobby because of the incursion of extreme right-wing pro-Israel parties.

Washington has already decided to cut off its total funding for UNRWA for this year worth 360 million dollars, causing it a financial deficit and the decision came to pressure the Palestinians to return to the negotiating table with Israel.

Founded by the UN General Assembly in 1949, UNRWA serves some five million Palestine refugees registered in its five areas - Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip - to achieve their full human development potential until they are reached. Just solution to their cause.

UNRWA services include education, health care, relief, social services, infrastructure, camp improvement and microcredit.