Occupation prevents the organization of a sports tournament in the city of Jerusalem

Occupation prevents the organization of a sports tournament in the city of Jerusalem

 Israeli police and intelligence agencies on Friday banned sports activities in the village of Beit Safafa, south of Jerusalem, organized by the Jerusalem Forum and the Jerusalem Clubs Association.

"We have been surprised by the prohibition of the Minister of Internal Security Erdan, because we at the Jerusalem community have no political orientation or any ties with a Palestinian political party. challenges they have captured. We also care about the youth and the need to direct their energies towards sport and recreation, and what happened is sad because it is simply an attempt to confiscate the right of our cubs to play football.

Fadi Awaisat, the official of the sports committee at the forum, said that the Israeli forces and intelligence closed the Beit Safafa stadium before the sports event. The decision was suspended by "Minister of Security Gilad Arad", which violates the organization of the event at Beit Safafa Stadium or any other playground in the city.

"The game is sponsored by the Palestinian Authority on the anniversary of Palestinian Prisoners´ Day," the ban said.

Awaisat explained that the event is a sports tournament "the first tournament of the Jerusalem People´s Forum" for 12 Quds teams from all the villages and towns of Jerusalem for the age group 12-13 years.

For his part, the Jerusalemite activist and member of the Forum of Jerusalem residents Mohammed Abu Hummus said that the forum includes the families of Jerusalem aims to preserve the social fabric in the city, and strengthen relationships between the people of the city, "its young people and their cubes "and promote social mobility within the city.