Occupation notifies the seizure of agricultural land west of Bethlehem

Occupation notifies the seizure of agricultural land west of Bethlehem

 The director of the Resistance of the Wall and Settlement Authority in Bethlehem, Hassan Brijieh, said that the occupation forces were notified to seize tens of agricultural dunums west of Bethlehem, today, Wednesday.

Bureijiya reported that the occupation forces were notified to seize agricultural lands in the areas of (Ain al-Hawiyyah, Wadi al-Hamra, and al-Husaynat) from the lands of Husan, and (Qurnat Abu Ali, and Khallet al-Ghazawi) belonging to Khirbet al-Qubar al-Muhajara, and (al-Bas) in Wadi Fukin, all along a settlement. "Hadassah Wall", in favor of establishing an industrial zone and settlement units.

The occupation authorities stepped up in the recent period of their settlement attacks and seized more lands in the Bethlehem Governorate, to establish settlement outposts or to expand the borders of existing settlements, or to build roads and tunnels for the benefit of settlers.