Nightclubs move to the Internet with the continued outbreak of Corona virus

Nightclubs move to the Internet with the continued outbreak of Corona virus

Colorful lights flash on a semi-empty dance floor, as a music coordinator broadcasts live from one of the nightclubs in Singapore to party leaders trapped in their homes due to the Corona virus.

This virus that has been sweeping the noisy nights of the world has undermined London to New York, but music curators are starting to present their shows online so that no-one can miss them.

This initiative is a new example of how the virus, which forced about 3.6 billion people to stay home, turns daily life in ways that would have been unimaginable until a short time while governments imposed restrictions and social separation to stop its spread.

And after Singapore ordered the closure of many entertainment venues during the past week with a steady rise in injuries, the Zuk nightclub organized a "cloud clap" party and broadcasted live shows through a special application, in which six cylinder coordinators participated.

The party was held on Friday evening, the day that hundreds of pioneers usually flock to the nightclub, and only a handful of people were allowed to attend, most of them employees.

CD Coordinator Nash De admitted that he had found it strange to start.

"When I put music to move a ballroom full of people, I feel the energy coming back to me, and I like to distribute that energy through music," said this musician, whose real name is Dhanish Nair.

However, he quickly got used to the new situation and explained that the live comments that the pioneers were writing and appearing on the laptop were useful. "She directed me to the requests of the songs they were introducing me in my work somewhat."

In addition to comments received through the Bingo Live live streaming application, the "attendees" sent virtual gifts to disc coordinators such as bells and snowflakes, which could later be exchanged for money.

The nightclub partnered with Razer gaming equipment and launched a live streaming app that attracted 200,000 views to the three-hour event.

In China, where the virus first appeared last year, CDs and nightclubs began presenting live broadcasts in early February, when the outbreak in the country was at its peak.

The Shanghai and Beijing clubs were pioneers in broadcasting live performances directly on "Doyen", the Chinese version of "Tik Tok" which also allowed fans to offer gifts that could be exchanged for money. The "One Third" club in Beijing attracted more than a million viewers on its site and achieved nearly two million yuan (280,000 dollars) of the rewards offered by the attendees in a five-hour live broadcast, according to the "I Fang" news website.

Indoor nightclubs and home-based CDs also organize virtual dance parties in New York and the epidemic outbreak center in the United States.

The Dance Cartel began organizing "social spacing" parties aimed at "dancing together, separately" three times a week.

The participants dance with each other through the "Zoom" application, while some wear special dance costumes while others highlight colorful disco lights.

The parties are free of charge, but attendees are encouraged to make voluntary contributions to CDs and host clubs.

As the death toll from the Corona virus rises to more than 42,000 globally, it appears that "online" clubs will become more common.

Singapore´s decision to close nightclubs came as authorities tightened restrictions after the number of injuries reached 900, including three deaths.