New ministers of the interior, environment and justice in France

New ministers of the interior, environment and justice in France

The French Presidency announced on Monday the cabinet formation of the new government headed by Jean Castex, and it has included amendments to a number of portfolios, especially the ministries of the interior, environmental transformation and justice.

The 37-year-old resigned right-wing cabinet minister, Edouard Philip, was appointed as the interior minister.

Darmanan has been an ally of French President Emmanuel Macron since 2017, and he has named his interior minister in the latest large-scale government reshuffle.

Barbara Pompelli, 45, who was a member of the Green Party before joining the ruling party, was appointed Minister of Environmental Transformation.

Pompey served as Minister of State for Biodiversity under Socialist President Francois Hollande, and now holds the third most prominent position in government.

Attorney Eric Dupont-Moretti was appointed Minister of Justice, in a surprise that the National Rally (the extreme right) was quick to condemn.

"In the Ministry of Justice, a far-left activist has been appointed hoping to ban the national gathering, the largest opposition party," said a tweet by National Assembly leader Marine Le Pen, confirming that this foretells of serious repercussions.

On the other hand, some of the key ministers in the resigned government have retained their portfolios, such as Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Ludrian, Minister of Armies Florence Barley and Minister of Economy and Finance Bruno Lemerre whose bag is now named after the Ministry of "Economy, Finance and Recovery".

Lemerre, a former right-wing, will be tasked with getting France out of the economic crisis triggered by the Coved 19-pandemic.