Netanyahu is based on settlement papers and annexation projects in the Knesset elections

Netanyahu is based on settlement papers and annexation projects in the Knesset elections

reported the weekly settlement report issued by the National Office for the Defense of the Earth and the resistance to settlement,

The occupation government ignores the positions of the international community and the decisions of international legitimacy regarding settlement as a war crime and continues to act as a state above the law based on this to support, encourage and protect the American administration.

The report pointed out that the Prime Minister of Benjamin Netanyahu declared after his victory in the primaries for the Likud party, in what he called "the victory speech", to achieve more historical accomplishments in the coming years, if he won the upcoming elections for the Knesset and set a six-point plan that includes Setting final borders for the occupying power, pushing the United States to recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Jordan Valley and the northern Dead Sea, and exerting pressure for the United States to recognize the expansion of Israeli sovereignty over all towns (settlements) in the entire West Bank without exception.

The report indicated that the joint Israeli ministerial team will meet at the beginning of this week, to discuss the annexation and application of Israeli sovereignty over the Jordan Valley areas, after it was frozen to hold a meeting for the team in the last moments of its date two weeks ago, in line with Netanyahu´s promise on the eve of the last elections.

He added that last year witnessed feverish settlement activity, and the far-right occupation government continued its expansion project with American support, as the pace of settlement expansion increased by 70% from what it was in 2018.

And that the number of settlement units that the occupation government and its settlement arms submitted to build or approved during the year 2019 amounted to about 10 thousand units, compared to about 6800 from the previous year, at a time when the occupation authorities demolished about 617 buildings during the past year, which led to The displacement of 898 citizens.

He pointed out that the occupation government announced its intention to approve the construction of 2000 settlement units, and that it would discuss the approval of the structural map of the “Harash” settlement and an adjacent outpost, as well as a new settlement neighborhood in the “Talmon” settlement, which includes 258 units, the majority of which were built illegally so that a settlement Their conditions and granting them building permits.

As part of the attempts to organize and legalize the outpost, the Attorney General of the Occupation Government, Avaihai Mandelblit, issued an opinion two years ago allowing the seizure of Palestinian land with private ownership for public purposes in the settlements.

The report indicated that the so-called "Supreme Council for Planning and Building" expressed its approval to build 147 settlement units in the "Mitzpe Jericho" settlement in the Aghwar region, as these units are present in an advanced stage of construction plans before the final approval, and 100 units in the "Neve Tzof" settlement "Near Ein Poppin, in addition to 72 in the settlement" Ariel "built on the lands of Salfit Governorate, and 107 in the settlement" Alon Moreh ", as well as preliminary discussions on a plan to establish 534 units and 12 other commercial units in the settlement" Shilo "built on the lands of citizens south Nablus, in addition to discussing plans to expand the settlement project in the settlements of Givat Ze´ev and Ma´an Les Adumim, Ma´aleh Mekhemesh, Almon, Kochav Jacob, and the industrial zone in Emanuel settlement in the Ramallah and Jerusalem governorates.

The report pointed out that the occupation forces swept lands in Qalqilya Governorate, lands in Izbat Wadi al-Basha, south of the governorate, to construct a settlement road, with the aim of serving the settlement of "Alf Menashe" built on the lands of the region since 1981, which is expanding at the expense of its lands annually.

While the occupation began to bulldozed large areas of the lands of Asla village, east of the governorate, with the aim of expanding the settlement of "Alf Menashe," he also announced the seizure of 165 dunums of Qalqilya lands on the southern side in favor of the bypass road leading to the mentioned settlement and the "Yahoo" checkpoint.

On the other hand, Israeli settlement societies have established a biblical museum of three floors with an area of ​​1390 square meters in the Al-Ain Al-Fawqa area of ​​Silwan, which is only tens of meters away from the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque from the southwestern side.

The museum was built in an area that the occupation municipality in Jerusalem and the Israeli Antiquities Authority are prohibiting from building on the pretext that it is a historical area that includes antiquities from different historical eras, but it nevertheless did not prevent settlement societies from constructing this building, which will be used to promote and market a false history of the region, and serves Talmudic tourism Internal and external.

In order to defy the feelings of the citizens, the Minister of the Occupation Army, Naftali Bennett, stormed the Ibrahimi Mosque in the Hebron Governorate in conjunction with the Jewish “Hanukkah” lights.

In a dangerous development, the occupation municipality in Jerusalem approved the establishment of educational institutions affiliated with the occupation, instead of the UNRWA schools in Jerusalem, with strong support from the Israeli government and behind it the American administration, thus making it an open war against the agency.

The occupation municipality, through relying on the Israeli parties in the Knesset, seeks to enact and legislate laws aimed at banning agency activity, starting in the city of Jerusalem, after parliamentary bloc leaders signed a bill to the Knesset that aims to end educational and health activities and institutions, maternity and childhood centers, social centers, medical clinics and institutions Education in the city of Jerusalem, starting with the Shuafat refugee camp, and the agency´s activities are banned from the beginning of 2020.

The project, presented by the current Knesset member, former mayor of the occupation, Nir Barkat, aims to prevent any "UNRWA" presence in the Holy City, as part of an Israeli plan aimed at ending its role, on the pretext that it is working to "perpetuate the issue of the Palestinian refugees."