Navalny announces that he intends to continue his hunger strike despite his poor health

Navalny announces that he intends to continue his hunger strike despite his poor health

The imprisoned Russian dissident, Alexei Navalny, announced on Instagram, today, Monday, his intention to continue his hunger strike, which he started a few days ago, despite his deteriorating health.

Navalny said that he had a temperature of 38.1 degrees and that he had a "severe cough."

Navalny added that three of his prison mates had been hospitalized with tuberculosis.

It should be noted that Navalny, who is imprisoned in a camp located about 100 kilometers east of the capital Moscow, announced long ago that he was suffering from excruciating back pain and signs of paralysis in one of his legs.

Navalny announced that he was on hunger strike last Wednesday to protest against the lack of medical care provided to him in his prison.

Navalny was sentenced in February, in an internationally criticized trial, to several years in prison, based on allegations of violating the conditions of conditional release in a previous criminal case during his stay in Germany for treatment of an attempted poisoning he suffered last August, where he remained there for a few months.

It should be noted that a poll of the independent Levada Institute showed that nearly a third of Russians (29%) consider Navalny´s judgment "unfair", compared to 48% who think the opposite is that the ruling on Navalny is deserved.

Navalny had held the "killer squad" of the Russian Internal Intelligence Service (FSB) responsible for the attempt to poison him on the orders of President Vladimir Putin.