MSF: Corona virus is spreading widely in Yemen

MSF: Corona virus is spreading widely in Yemen

The Doctors Without Borders organization said today, Thursday, that the new Corona virus has started to spread widely throughout Yemen.

The organization added, in a press report published on its website: "I have been full most of the time for the past four weeks, the intensive care unit in Sana´a (controlled by the Houthis), which has a capacity of 15 beds and the death rate was high."

Claire Hadong, head of the MSF mission in Yemen, said: “We have seen a strange mixture of denial and spread of the virus, people did not want to accept the possibility of it reaching their country, and then it has already arrived and began to spread, but as soon as they faced one case of infection it caused This raises terror among them, but this fear is justified because Yemen almost completely lacks the means to respond to this outbreak.

"Five years of fighting have caused the Yemeni health-care system to crumble to a great extent to show Covid´s disease. 19 - as a straw that broke the camel´s back, the system completely collapsed and several hospitals closed their doors out of fear of the virus or because of a shortage of personnel and personal protective equipment."

"A lot of people will die from this virus, but we fear that many other people will die of preventable and treatable diseases, because health care is simply not available," Hadong said.

"We cannot face this crisis on our own, the United Nations and other donor countries must find urgent ways to enhance the response, including through direct interventions by medical and humanitarian agencies and financial support to support the Yemeni health system," she added.

It called on local authorities to conduct the work of international organizations such as Médecins Sans Frontières that they work with to tackle the virus, and to ensure the entry of medical supplies and international personnel to reinforce the work of the teams on the ground.

Yemen has officially registered 564 confirmed cases of infection with the Coronavirus, including 130 deaths, and 25 recoveries.

The Houthis have announced only four injuries from this toll, including one death.