More than half of the Democrats support Trump´s removal

More than half of the Democrats support Trump´s removal

More than half of Democratic lawmakers in the US House of Representatives are in favor of initiating measures to oust President Donald Trump, several media reported on Friday.

Of the 235 Democrats in the House of Representatives, 118 turned out to support the opening of measures to oust Trump.

It is hoped that this new reality will push the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Democratic Nancy Pelosi to change her position and support the initiation of this measure.

Senior Democratic Party officials, Pelosi at the top, fear that entering the measure could weaken Democrats´ position during the campaign ahead of the 2020 presidential election, as it could lead to a blackout on their favorite topics such as the environment, health coverage and judicial reforms.

Demand for Trump´s dismissal widened following testimony by former special prosecutor Robert Mueller at the end of July about his two-year investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, and suspicions that Trump was trying to derail the judiciary.

The last Democrat to join Trump´s removal was Rep. Ted Doch, who said Thursday that Mueller´s testimony "confirmed the solid conclusions contained in his report."

Muller´s report looks at what Russia has done to tip Trump during the 2016 election campaign. He also describes in detail how the Trump team welcomed this help and repeatedly lied about it.

Democrats contend that Mueller provided evidence that Trump had obstructed the judiciary ten times.

A number of Democratic lawmakers believe it is their duty to take action against evidence that condemns the president, whatever the political consequences.

Democrats can launch these measures because they have a majority in the House, but the completion of the process will be doomed to failure because of Republican control of the Senate.