More than 88% registered for the elections

More than 88% registered for the elections

The Central Elections Commission announced that the number of registered voters for the 2021 elections reached 2.48 million citizens as of Sunday morning, making up 88.3% of those with the right to register; According to the statistics of the Central Statistics Authority.

The commission stated that mobile registration crews added about 25 thousand to the electoral register, in addition to 250 thousand who registered themselves through the commission´s website, in addition to 850 registered in paper form in the electoral district offices.

The Election Commission indicated that the first stage of the electoral process is; The registration of voters was launched last Wednesday and continues until next Tuesday, February 16, during which 300 field registration teams work in all governorates in addition to the 80 inquiry and registration centers opened by the committee in all electoral regions, in addition to continuing electronic registration through the committee´s website (

The committee affirmed that the current registration process includes legislative and presidential elections, and that registration will not be reopened again before the presidential elections scheduled for next July 31, stressing that registration is a prerequisite to allow participation in the elections, both candidacy and voting.