More than 227 thousand deaths in corona in the world

More than 227 thousand deaths in corona in the world

The new Coruna virus has killed at least 227,482 people since the epidemic first appeared in China last December, according to an AFP census based on official sources at 11:00 Thursday.

And more than 3 million and 180 thousand and 800 cases were recorded in 193 countries and regions. At least 908,500 people have recovered.

This number reflects only part of the actual number of the injured, as tests to detect injuries in a number of countries are limited to cases requiring hospital care.

The United States is the country most affected by the epidemic, whether in terms of the number of deaths or injuries, as the outcome exceeded 60 thousand and 999 deaths out of a million and 40 thousand and 488 cases. And the American authorities announced the recovery of 124,23 people, at least.

The countries most affected by the epidemic after the United States are Italy with 27 thousand and 682 deaths, out of 203 thousand and 591 injuries, followed by Britain with 26 thousand and 97 deaths, out of 165 thousand and 221 injuries, and Spain 24 thousand and 543 deaths, out of 231 thousand and 435 injuries , France, with 24,87 deaths, out of 168,935 injuries.

In mainland China (excluding Macao and Hong Kong), a total of 4,633 deaths and 82,862 cases were recorded, while 77,610 people were cured.

Since Wednesday, at 19:00 GMT, the Maldives has announced the first death of the virus on its soil.

As for the distribution of the outcome according to continents, the total number of deaths in Europe reached 136 thousand and 85 deaths out of a million 456 thousand and 222 injuries, and in the United States and Canada 64 thousand and 53 deaths out of a million and 91 thousand and 719 injuries, and in Latin America and the Caribbean 10 thousand and 425 Deaths, out of 200 thousand and 205 injuries, in Asia 8,532 deaths out of 219 thousand and 64 injuries, in the Middle East 6680 deaths, out of 168 thousand and 820 injuries, and in Africa 1,590 deaths out of 36 thousand and 703 injuries, and in Oceania 117 deaths out of 8,071 injuries.

This toll was prepared on the basis of data collected by the offices of Agence France-Presse from the competent national authorities and information published by the World Health Organization.