Mladenov: Settlement and occupation measures undermine the two-state solution

Mladenov: Settlement and occupation measures undermine the two-state solution

UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Nikolai Mladenov said that the facts of the worsening deterioration on the ground in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict "push us further" away from a two-state solution. He stressed that the international organization will support the holding of legislative elections, which President Mahmoud Abbas announced that he would call soon.

In a briefing to members of the Security Council in New York on Monday, Miladinov warned of "new dangerous flashpoints" in the Middle East in general, and said that the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories reflects "a passing tragedy for generations of people in this land," adding that "no The growing number of illegal Israeli settlements under international law continues to be a major obstacle to the peace process.

Last month, he said, "there has been an increase in plans to expand housing units in the occupied West Bank," noting that approvals for settlement expansion so far this year have already been greater than throughout 2018. Meanwhile, Palestinian buildings have been demolished or taken over. On other buildings, it is almost impossible for Palestinians to obtain building permits from Israel.

Recalling Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas´s announcement that he intends to set a date for the Palestinian elections for the first time since 2006 in order to "renew the legitimacy of national institutions," Mladenov called on the international community to support this process if it will promote national unity, not division, adding that this " It includes an election agreement to be held throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory in line with relevant legislation, international best practices and agreed national political frameworks based on existing agreements. ”

As of October, the UN had created 16,000 jobs in Gaza through its temporary job creation programs, he said, adding that 1,000 more would be created in the coming weeks. However, “despite all these efforts, the humanitarian situation in Gaza remains poor,” he said. In treating the victims of weekly demonstrations. " He stressed that "addressing the humanitarian crisis in Gaza is a priority, but the essence of the crisis in the Gaza Strip is political," calling on the Palestinian factions to interact with the Egyptian efforts to achieve national reconciliation.

He recalled the work of the informal liaison committee by holding a meeting on 26 September in New York; where the United Nations noted that "the need is necessary to provide support to the Palestinian people and the Palestinian Authority to promote a two-state solution as the only solution to the peaceful settlement of the conflict." He welcomed the agreement signed, which led to the transfer of Israel about $ 425 million of revenues to the Palestinian Authority, calling on both parties to "interact in a constructive manner with a view to returning all income transfers in a manner fully consistent with the Paris Protocol on economic relations between the parties."

Mladenov expressed particular concern about the disturbing attacks by settlers in the occupied West Bank, in the context of the annual olive harvest. As the olive harvest began this year, the Special Coordinator called on the Israeli authorities to "ensure that Palestinian farmers have smooth access to their land and protect farmers and their property from attacks." He noted an alarming incident on October 16, when Palestinian farmers, Israeli volunteers and foreigners collecting olive trees from the village of Burin were attacked with stones and metal bars by people from the Yitzhar settlement, and the following on October 22, when Yitzhar declared a closed military zone and published more Of troops. An 80-year-old rabbi and four foreign volunteers were also injured. One of the alleged perpetrators of the attacks was arrested. In Qaryut, south of Nablus, Palestinians were also denied access to their land to harvest olives.