Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Acquitting the murderers of Dawabsheh and demolishing houses is organized state terrorism

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Acquitting the murderers of Dawabsheh and demolishing houses is organized state terrorism

The mock trials of Jewish terror killers reflect the farce of the so-called "judiciary" in the Occupying Power and the extent of its involvement not only in crime and in covering it, but also in encouraging terrorist settler organizations to More crimes against Palestinian civilians.

The Foreign Ministry said in a press statement on Thursday, that these trials aimed mainly at the acquittal of murderers embody the spread of racism and fascism in the institutions of the occupation state and its various levels, including the political, military and judicial.

She said that this racism was manifested in the most horrific form yesterday and this morning when the Israeli occupation forces demolished the house of the martyr Ali Hassan Khalifa in Qalandia camp, and the house of Abu Hameed family for the fifth time in Amari camp, in a racist crime compounded by a clear double standards and laws followed by the authorities The Israeli occupation forces oppressed Palestinian civilians and imposed wide-ranging collective punishments on them, starting with arresting them, punishing their villages and towns, placing them in prison, demolishing the homes of detainees and martyrs in a way that is not linked to international humanitarian law, human rights principles and the Geneva Conventions.

She added: The courts of the Israeli occupation in order to acquit the elements of Jewish terrorism and not to arrest and release them and gradually reduce the charges to encourage and reward them for crimes committed against Palestinian citizens, while the occupation authorities and its fake judiciary impose dozens of penalties on the Palestinian citizen on one charge.

The Foreign Ministry confirmed that it continues its follow-up with the international criminal file settlement and settler crimes against the people of our people, and up to open an international investigation into the crimes of the occupation.