Miladinov visits Gaza for the last time

Miladinov visits Gaza for the last time

arrived earlier in the day, Wednesday, Nikolai Miladinov, the UN envoy for the peace process in the Middle East, to the Gaza Strip, on a visit that lasted several hours.

Miladinov left the Gaza Strip through the Beit Hanoun "Erez" checkpoint in the northern Gaza Strip, after holding several meetings with UN officials, before meeting with the Hamas leadership in a short meeting.

This is the last visit of the Bulgarian Miladinov (48 years), in his current capacity, as he was appointed to his current position in 2015, and it will end within the next few days.

A few days ago, Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, decided to appoint a Norwegian Thor Winsland to replace Mladenov, who also apologized for taking the position of the UN envoy for the peace process in Libya.