Michael Jackson socks for sale two million dollars

Michael Jackson socks for sale two million dollars

 Forty years after Michael Jackson performed the famous "Moon Walk" dance for the first time on stage, one person will have his own socks.

Today, Michael Jackson´s special crystal-covered socks are auctioned off after he wore them on the television show "Motown 25: Yesterday, Today, Forever" in 1983.

Of course, the American singer´s socks will not be sold cheaply, estimated to cost more than $ 2 million.

The socks will go on sale on November 13 and the auction is set to start at $ 100,000.

Gotta Have Rock and Roll CEO Ed Kocinski said the socks were used a lot, but could not confirm how many times Jackson had worn after Motown.

In addition to the American singer´s socks, his suit "Lights of Lights" will be on sale, expected to cost more than $ 20,000. The Chicago Bulls shirt, signed by Michael Jackson and American basketball player Michael Jordan, could cost as much as $ 20,000.